Let’s Play Humpday Giveaway – May 15th Edition

Here we are on another Wednesday, so it must be time to play another round of Humpday Giveaway!

You can win this!
And this! WOOT!

This week we have another great prize pack from the awesome folks at Prima ย Coffee Equipment! It’s a white, ceramic Hario V60 Dripper, and a reusable organic cotton cloth filter! In a word: Sweeeeet!

Now most Humdpays we find something in the most recent issue of Barista Magazine and ask you a question about that, but since we’re getting so geeked up for next week’s World Barista Championship in Melbourne, if you haven’t noticed! (Check out our ongoing series of Q&A’s with all of the national champions ย here), so we’ve decided to go a different tack. We’re going to test your WBC knowledge.

So here’s this week’s trivia question: Who is the only WBC Champion to come from a country south of the equator, what country did he represent, and what year did he win?

We need all three pieces of the answer, and we need your FIRST and LAST name when you answer. Please leave your answer as a comment to this post.

Humpday Giveaway will run from 7:00AM PDT May 15 through 6:59AM PDT May 16. Get your answers in! We’ll do a drawing from all of the correct answers we receive and then post the winner here on the blog at 10AM PDT May 16.

Got it? Good! Now let’s play and win!

About baristamagazine 2190 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. 2003 โ€œ Boston, USA

    1st place: Paul Bassett (Australia)
    2nd place: Asa Jelena Petterson (Iceland)
    3rd place: Eirik S. Johnsen (Norway)

  2. Paul Bassett from Australia won in 2003 (the championships were held in Boston, interestingly enough)

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