The October + November 2015 of Barista Magazine issue takes you from New York to Nicaragua to Brazil and Tennessee, offers education about preventative maintenance, keeping customers, their computers and your café happy, understanding music legalities, and much more!
The October + November 2015 issue of Barista Magazine is out! And we’re excited to share some of what’s inside with you.

Our cover features César Vega, owner of Café Integral in New York City, who is redefining what single origin means. He focuses exclusively on his native country of Nicaragua using his local knowledge and connections to the community. He searches for exceptional coffees to roast and serve in his cafés.

Our Field Reports section has coverage from a barista champions tour of famed Brazilian coffee farm, Daterra, which has invited the top six finalists from the World Barista Championship to visit the farm for harvest for the last two years. Additionally, we have a report on the burgeoning coffee scene in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Wondering how to control the tangled world of customers and their digital devices in your café? How about the legal ramifications of playing or streaming music? We have a pair of stories on the topics: “Cord Control: Managing Screens in Your Café” and “Tech Support: Music Legalities Explained.”

Down time on your espresso machine means down time in your café. Preventative machine maintenance can help you avoid breakdowns, and your wholesales may be able to give you an assist. Find out more in “Machine Head: All About Preventative Maintenance.”
Those are just some of the stories and articles you’ll find in the October + November 2015 issue of Barista Magazine! But there’s much more inside!
Subscribers, your hard copies are in the mail and you should be receiving them within the next 7-10 days. You can always read the issue online for free via the Barista Magazine e-pub. And you can order extra or individual copies through our online store.