10 Minutes With Joe Tynan

Joe Tynan
Head Roaster/Green Buyer
Code Black Coffee
Melbourne, Australia


What other coffee jobs have you had?

Plus a handful of barista gigs before these.

What’s your favorite part about working in coffee?

Talk about a meaning of life question!

I think for me it’s a huge and diverse industry that I do because I love it all! I really enjoy that it’s become so broad. From agronomy through to hospitality, it’s become an industry that anyone, from any walk of life, can step into and find a fulfilling carrier. What makes it even better is the industry is full of great, extremely diverse, people! Classic win-win scenario! On top of the people and personalities, I love the learning. We spend quite a bit of time at Code Black actively challenging ourselves and what we’ve learnt, and searching out new ideas. It can occasionally be frustrating but generally a lot of fun.

Ask Joe about the connection between grinders and his little finger.
Ask Joe about the connection between grinders and his little finger.

Where do you ideally see yourself in 10 years?

Thats tough! I’ve never been much of a planner! I would love to increase my interaction and contribution to producers. If it’s just strengthening Code Black’s relationships or taking a more active role in the development of better, more sustainable agricultural practices, I’d welcome the challenge. I know as young as Code Black Coffee is, we’ve got a really exciting future and I’m looking forward to being a long serving member of that!

The coffee community in Melbourne is very open and supportive. Joe's a big part of that.
The coffee community in Melbourne is very open and supportive. Joe’s a big part of that.

Who and what inspires you?

I’ve had  a few coffees of late that have challenged  preconceived ideas and thoughts ”I find that inspiring. Nothing more exciting than roasting a new cultivar or an origin processed in an unusual way. It ties in with what I love about coffee; continual learning and reassessing.

People like Matt Lewin (Axil Coffee) and Craig Simon (Think Tank Coffee), who  challenge me and my ideas or share new  approaches, inspire me. They’re both amazing roasters and great coffee minds I feel blessed to know.

Noah Namowicz has become a great friend and inspiration. His work with Cafe Imports at origin has been inspirational to watch and participate in. An admirable group of people who balance their commitment to both roasters and producers so perfectly.

Joe has worked with some of the best coffee companies in Australia, including Proud Mary, St. Ali, Veneziano, and now Code Black.
Joe has worked with some of the best coffee companies in Australia, including Proud Mary, St. Ali, Veneziano, and now Code Black.

What are you drinking right now?

Just finished an espresso of Brazil Fazenda Santa Lucia. I hate to  stereotype but I’m not usually turned on by Brazils. This is one of the exceptions! Fantastic example of Yellow Bourbon! We cupped and  committed to this lot late last year and  received it this week, It’s  already  exceeded our  initial cupping scores!

Crazy/memorable coffee experience you’d like to share?

I think losing part of my little finger has to be up there! I was cleaning down a Robur at the end of an extremely busy day and not paying attention at all, tapped the  button and goodbye finger! Talk about autopilot fail!  definitely has made me more OHS  conscious!

When he's not doing coffee, you can find Joe out climbing ”he's super serious about it. And of course, he has a portable coffee set up so he can have delicious brew no matter where he is.
When he’s not doing coffee, you can find Joe out climbing ”he’s super serious about it. And of course, he has a portable coffee set up so he can have delicious brew no matter where he is.

What you’re doing when you’re not doing coffee:

I’m an avid rock climber so when I’m not doing coffee I’m training, usually 4-5 nights a week, then weekends away when i can! Ironically, I’m better at setting goals for climbing than most other things!! I’m currently working on a few projects in the Grampians, the key one being spanking the monkey bars (v9), a lot of fun!

About Sarah 939 Articles
Sarah Allen (she/her) is co-founder and editor of Barista Magazine, the international trade magazine for coffee professionals. A passionate advocate for baristas, quality, and the coffee community, Sarah has traveled widely to research stories, interact with readers, and present on a variety of topics affecting specialty coffee. She also loves animals, swimming, ice cream, and living in Portland, Oregon.