1st Crack: The Coffee Comic Strip for November 21, 2020

Welcome to our Saturday comic, 1st Crack, a light-hearted, illustrated look at life behind the bar. 


1st Crack: The Comic Strip for November 21, 2020 Panel 1
1st Crack: The Comic Strip for November 21, 2020 Panel 2
1st Crack: The Comic Strip for November 21, 2020 Panel 3
1st Crack: The Comic Strip for November 21, 2020 Panel 4
1st Crack: The Comic Strip for November 21, 2020 Panel 5
1st Crack: The Comic Strip for November 21, 2020 panel 6

Check out the previous 1st Crack comics here: Nov. 14, 2020, Oct. 31, 2020, Oct 24, 2020

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Omri Almagor lent his skills to companies such as Kees Van Der Westen, Decent Espresso, Faema, Terra Kaffe and others. He founded Del Creatives as an outlet for innovative people from the coffee world to join resources and produce fantastic coffee works – covering mechanical and extraction engineering, product and brand design, writing, and social activity. He lives in Milan, Italy, with his partner, a fashion and art writer, and son.

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Ashley Wong is an illustrator and video editor based in Detroit, Michigan. She likes traveling, drinking coffee, and eating chocolate chip cookies

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.