
Dreamy Barista Champs on Film: Yes, Please

Dalla Corte is releasing these gorgeous little films about some of the most influential and well respected coffee pros, starting with Fabrizio Sención Ramírez, multi-time Mexican Barista Champion and you may recall that he took […]


Finca Verner, Saint Louis, Missouri

Verner Earls of Chauvin Coffee Co., in Saint Louis, Missouri, has been a friend to and supporter of Barista Magazine for, well, for as long as I can remember him. Our paths tend to cross […]

USBC 2013

Meet Northeast Regional Barista Champ Sam Lewontin!

As the proud Media Sponsor of the United States Barista Championship since 2005, Barista Magazine has always compiled and produced a beautiful printed program that serves as a guide, collectors item, introduction to the Regional […]