From Invention to Innovation: AeroPress Movie Debuts

AeroPress Movie debuts this month, following the founding, growth, and popularity of the humble AeroPress coffee brewer.


Photos courtesy of AeroPress Inc.

Last month, we highlighted the upcoming 2018 World AeroPress Championship—over 3,000 folks competed in a regional AeroPress competition, and champions from over 60 countries will travel to Sydney to determine this year’s best brewer.

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Folks from the Fellow team prepare for the first U.S. screening of AeroPress Movie!

The AeroPress has taken on a life of its own since its invention in 2005. From inventor Alan Adler wanting to build a better coffee brewer to hundreds of folks coming together to brew the best cup of coffee, Aeropress Movie captures the story of how the AeroPress came to be one of the most popular brewers in the world.

Members of the AeroPress team were on hand to answer questions at the movie’s debut screening.

AeroPress Movie got its funding through Kickstarter last year, and aims at telling the story of the popular brewer, which has become synonymous with travel brewing and raucous coffee competitions. “AeroPress Movie is a short documentary revealing the story of AeroPress—from its inventor’s workshop in California to the stages of the AeroPress Championships around the world,” it says on their Kickstarter page. “It explores what makes people so excited about this odd-looking yet iconic coffee maker.”

After the debut screening in San Francisco, founder Alan Adler answered questions from the audience.

The documentary features interviews with key folks responsible for propelling the AeroPress, including Tim Wendelboe, who hosted the very first AeroPress competition (there were only three competitors!), Ingri M. Johnsen, co-founder of Kaffikaze & Mile High AeroPress Club, and the inventor of the AeroPress himself—Alan Adler.

It’s difficult to articulate just how iconic the AeroPress is. From a simple invention to a worldwide competition and industry-standard brewing method, the AeroPress has made an indelible mark on the coffee industry.

In the first U.S. screening, held at the Fellow Products showroom in San Francisco, Alan was available to answer questions and give insights on how he invented the AeroPress.

The movie will continue on its world tour before debuting online in January 2019!

About Ashley Rodriguez 413 Articles
Ashley is the Online Editor for Barista Magazine. She's based in Chicago. If you want to share a story or have a comment, you can reach her at