Amazing Race Pre-Game

I dropped Ken and his dad, the amazing and wonderful Bruce Olson, off at the airport today, and as I type this, they are on their way to Tokyo.

ken bruce airport

I pretty much think Bruce and Ken are the two people I know who have the best chance at winning the TV show, The Amazing Race (wherein competitors travel the world and engage in crazy activities in the hopes of finishing first and winning the big money), so I have told them to practice practice practice while they are on this adventure together. Mama needs a million bucks.
Me, I’ve spent the day catching up on email, playing for a really long time with my dog at the park, and waiting for my pal Kyle to come over — he’s spending his last days in Portland with me before he heads to Seattle to work as Stumptown’s new roaster (go Kyle!) — to play Wii with me. But anyway, Ken and Bruce are off to report every day on the happenings at this, the 8th Annual WBC!! So please come back often to see what Ken and Bruce have to say, as well as hear about all the mischief Kyle and I get into this week.

P.S. Ken took our really good camera to Tokyo, and I am left with our little digi Nikon Coolpix, which is great but I can’t make it stop taking shots that have the bluish tinge that the one in this post has. Anyone have any ideas? Alistair? Anyone?

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  1. Hey, thanks for the tips Tony and Klaus. I’ll work on it… though I wasn’t able to figure out how to switch the TV from Wii to DVD for like an hour last night, if that shows you how un-tech-savvy I am…

  2. It’s probably the white balance that’s off. go into Menu > White Balance > Auto (i guess it’s currently set to something else. If it’s not that simple I haven’t got a clue.
    Have fun with Kyle.
    I’ll take gooooood care of Ken here in Tokyo. We’re juuust waaaaaaiiiiiting for him….

  3. you could try futzing with the white balance options if it has any. setting it for cloudy or low light conditions will warm it up. or upgrade to a Canon SD800 and fall in love with it as I have.

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