Alyson Welch in a blonde white woman in her 40s. She poses with her arms crossed smiling in a grassy field.
10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Alyson Welch

We get to know Food 4 Farmers’ new executive director. BY CHRIS RYANBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Aly Welch Food 4 Farmers is a nonprofit organization that collaborates with Latin American coffee-farming communities to […]

A set of five glass octagonal trophies sit on a table.
Cup of Excellence

Cup of Excellence Crowns 2021 Winners in Mexico & Guatemala

Natural and washed Geshas, previously unheralded coffee-producing areas, and more provided the winners at the two recent coffee-quality competitions.  BY CHRIS RYANBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Alliance for Coffee Excellence Cup of Excellence (CoE), […]

A house on a slanted slope.
Cup of Excellence

Quality Shines at Cup of Excellence Nicaragua

Four coffees of 90+ points highlighted the 2021 incarnation of the annual event. BY CHRIS RYANBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Alliance for Coffee Excellence Cup of Excellence (CoE), the competition organized by the nonprofit […]