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My industry has let me down.

Philip Jolley, owner of El Capitan Espresso, San Bruno, Calif., sent me this essay, and I wanted to share it…Thanks for taking the time to put these thoughts into words, Phil. ”Sarah MY INDUSTRY HAS […]

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Jam in Metro Detroit

Tom Isaia from Coffee Expresso Co., in Plymouth, Michigan, wrote to me a few weeks ago to tell me about a jam he was putting together in the metro Detroit area, and I asked if […]

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Barista Jams and Events

What’s Up, Ottawa?

Just got this nice email from Laura Perry, a Barista Magazine reader and barista/coffee fanatic, who wanted to tell me about a fun event that she and friends from other coffeehouses had recently. Great photos, […]

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Pacific Foods Sets a Great Example

We were excited to hear that our friends (and neighbors, since the company is just a few miles from Portland), Pacific Natural Foods recently earned praise for its deeply rooted commitment to sustainable business practices […]

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Coffee Fest

Latte Art Bracket!

Coffee Fest will introduce a new bracket-style format at the Coffee Fest Minneapolis event, entitled the New World Latte Art Competition ”this is going to be so much fun! Coffee Fest Minneapolis will take place […]

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WBC London 2010

Gearing Up for the SCAE & WBC!

I was talking to Jo from Beyond the Bean the other day, and I said, “I’m so looking forward to seeing you in London at the Caffe Culture/SCAE show and the World Barista Championship ”in […]

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La Marzocco iPhone App

Check it ”La Marzocco’s new iPhone app is FUN! This 100% free app offers info about La Marzocco’s distributors around the world, La Marzocco equipment, news, new technology, and of course, gives access to the […]

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USBC Anaheim

Your 2010 USBC Finalists…

Man, that was intense! This was by far the most crazy good group of semifinalists that the United States Barista Championship has ever seen! So you can be sure these six finalists — who won […]