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Regional Barista Competitions

Congratulations, Mike Marquard, MWRBC Champ!

Mike Marquard of Kaldi’s Coffee in St. Louis is the new Midwest Regional Barista Champion ”cheers to you, Mike! You will no doubt remember Mike for breaking into the finals at arguably the toughest United […]

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DIY, coffee friends!

In the vein of not taking oneself too seriously, here’s a project any coffee and/or gadget nerd will enjoy… because I’m betting you often find yourself in the position of wanting to watch, say, “Gossip […]

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Bean There Bike Ride in Jo-burg

I met Sarah Robinson, who co-owns Bean There Coffee Roasting in Johannesburg, South Africa, with her brother, Jonathan, earlier this year in Rwanda. We were both in Kigali to attend the East African Fine Coffee […]

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Barista Magazine

Barista Mag on Facebook!

When I started my own Facebook page seemingly ages ago, I thought it would be Sarah Allen’s Facebook page, as opposed to Barista Magazine’s Facebook page. But every day, some wonderful barista from some exotic […]

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Coffee Producers

Coffee Producers Invade Portland!

How lucky am I? I just spent the whole day tagging along with 11 awesome coffee producers from Costa Rica, Colombia, Kenya, and El Salvador visiting Portland cafes, thanks to an invitation from my pals […]