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Cup of Excellence

CoE Nicaragua 2009!

The competition is over and I’m back home in Portland, Oregon ”what a week! It was, in fact, so exciting, that I’ve arrived home pretty under the weather, which is slowing me down ”nothing serious, […]

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Cup of Excellence

Nicaragua CoE Continues…

I can now safely say that the Cup of Excellence experience is just as exhausting as any other coffee event. Seriously, with around 60 coffees to evaluate, narrow down and precisely judge as the best […]

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Cup of Excellence

Nica Nica Nica

It’s really nice to be back in Nicaragua — what a warm, welcoming country. Today was Day 1 of the ”get this ” 50th Cup of Excellence competition. It’s a big deal competition with an […]

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Cup of Excellence

Off to Nicaragua

I’m taking the red eye to Managua tonight… actually, make that Houston, where I’ll be stuck for 3 hours between flights. (But that’s OK — I downloaded a whole season of Lost to watch while […]

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NBC Iceland 2009

This could be you! In Iceland!

Oh, those darned Icelanders! Always reminding us how freakin awesome their little country is! Yes, I know you have the coolest horses and the prettiest landscape and the nicest people. Blah blah blah. Thank goodness […]

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Barista Magazine

Photos from my Tanzania trip

Barista Magazine’s newly redesigned website includes a cool feature called “Media,” where we are posting extended slideshows from interesting trips that our staff takes. Hopefully it will also include short videos in the future (I’ll […]

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Barista Gear


Ah, the iPhone… not since the Starbucks to-go cups were introduced to tweens has a better buy-on-demand-status-symbol been introduced. They make you look cool when you’re chillin with your homies at WalMart! And hey, they […]

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Barista Guild

A Message to Baristas Around the World

We’re super excited about the efforts being made by the Barista Guild of America of late to make the organization stronger, better, more useful, and more effective. The new executive council has pledged its commitment […]

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Barista Magazine

Need design? Get Pail!

We have been fortunate to work with the talented and delightful Jessica Bernert of Pail Design ever since Barista Magazine’s first year of publication ”and now we’re four! She’s been with us a long time, […]

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WBC Atlanta 2009

2009 WBC Ranking Order

Finals Round 1 Gwilym Davies, UK, 623 2 Sammy Piccolo, Canada, 619.5 3 Michael Phillips, United States, 618.5 4 Colin Harmon, Ireland, 572 5 Lee Jong Hoon, Korea, 542 6 Attila Molnar, Hungary, 535.5 Preliminary […]