Barista Magazine’s Holiday Giveaway 2014 Winner!

Welcome to Barista Magazine’s 2014 Holiday Giveaway Winner Announcement!

Hello and welcome everyone! It’s time to find out  who is the  Barista Magazine’s 2014  Holiday  Giveaway Winner!  (Wait! That should be who are at  the winners  because we have  two of them – one in the United States and one internationally!)

Barista Magazine's Holiday Giveaway 2014 Winner!
Who won this Encore grinder from Baratza? Read on to find out!


Since the grinder can only be shipped to addresses in the U.S., one of our international readers will win a Barista Magazine subscription and t-shirt!

So first, let’s check out the question and then we’ll find out who won.


Question:  Our Master Q&A featured an interview with barista competition fixture and barista ambassador  José Cleofas Arreola  from Mexico. He’s attended hundreds of barista championships all over the world, but  what was the first competition he attended, what year and where was it held?


Answer: the 2003 United States Barista Championship held in Boston, Massachusetts.  (And yes, the 2003 World Barista Championship was held immediately following the USBC that year.)


We entered everyone who submitted the correct answer into our randomizer and pulled out two names, one of the U.S. and one for our international readers.

First up. Our international winner is: DOM ORMSBY! from the United Kingdom! Congratulations, DOM!  You’ve won a one-year international subscription to Barista Magazine and a BMag t-shirt!

And our second winner of Barista Magazine’s 2014 Holiday Giveaway, and  the new owner of a  Baratza Encore Grinder is: NATE FRIEND! Congratulations, NATE!

Congratulations to both winners! We’ll be contacting you both shortly via email so you can claim your prizes.

Thanks to everyone for playing Barista Magazine’s 2014 Holiday Giveaway! And special thanks to Baratza for the great grinder! Happy Holidays to everyone and from everyone here at Barista Magazine we hope you have a fantastic 2015!

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.