Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway Winner! #53 (March 12, 2014 Edition)

It’s time for this week’s Humpday Giveaway winner announcement!

Up for grabs this week: A mustache-celebrating Vessel Drinkware mug and your choice of Barista Magazine t-shirt!

Celebrate national mustache day with this sweet ceramic Vessel Drinkware mug!
This is just one of the great prizes someone will win today!

So now we need the question, and the answer, so we can find out who won!

Question:  According to the article “Touring by Café” what year was the first  Caffeine Crawl  held?

As always, you can find the answer in the  current issue of Barista Magazine. (You can look at the whole issue for free online by going  HERE.)

ANSWER: 2011!

Great job to everyone who entered and gave the correct answer (and of course included the required information of  first  and  last names  plus  country of residence)!

We put everyone who got it right in the pool, used our random generation software to select a name at random, and we’ve got a winner!

Congratulations, GARRETT ODEN! You’re this week’s winner!

We’ll be contacting you shortly by email so you can start enjoying your prize!

As for the rest of you, we’ll see you next week for Humpday Giveaway when we’ll give away another fabulous prize. Cheers!

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.