Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway Winner #70! (July 16, 2014 Edition)

Humpday giveaway #70 winner announcement

Welcome to Humpday Giveaway Winner #70 Announcement!

Hi everybody! We’d say thanks for stopping by (and we’d mean it!) but we know you’re really here to find out who’s our Humpday Giveaway Winner #70 where up for grabs this week we have a sweet trucker cap and bag of coffee from Portland’s own Coava Coffee Roasters!

Humpday giveaway winner #70 gets this prize Coava Coffee trucker hat
Yes, this week’s winner will have this to wear!  (And you’ll get some amazing coffee too!)

The generous folks at Coava have offered to send the hat and coffee anywhere in the world, so everybody was able to play Humpday Giveaway this week! That’s awesome!

To win we needed you to answer a question from  the  current issue of Barista Magazine  (June + July 2014).

And that was

Question:  Which  were the first two African countries to participate in the Cup of Excellence as noted in the Master Q&A with Susie Spindler?

Answer:  Rwanda and Burundi!

So who’s our the Humpday Giveaway  winner? We put the names of all the people who got the answer correct into our random-selection software, and the winner was determined to be ¦

Karl Grueneberg of Germany!!!!

Congratulations, Karl!  We’ll be contacting you shortly via email so we can get your prize out to you!

Thanks to everyone for playing!

If you didn’t win this week, never fear! There’s always another Humpday and another  Humpday Giveaway(and another winner) just around the corner. In the meantime keep coming back to the BMag Blog for the latest on news, events and people in this great industry!

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.