Covid-19 response

All existing subscriptions will be extended for 6 months. All new subscriptions are 50% off through August 31, 2020.

First and foremost, Barista Magazine exists to serve the professional coffee community. Our community of baristas, coffee-shop managers, café owners, roasters, technicians, and so many other people in specialty coffee are obviously under acute stress at this time due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nations, states, localities, cities, and more are imposing strict curfews or ordering businesses and restaurants closed for weeks in an effort to stop the spread of the virus. Multiple events have been postponed or canceled. Many of our readers may be furloughed, laid off, or lose their jobs for some period of time while the battle with the virus rages on and their livelihoods are impacted.

For Barista Magazine Renewals:

To help mitigate the financial impact on our readers, we at Barista Magazine will extend every current subscription by six months, and suspend renewal notifications for the next three issues, and extend every current subscription by six months.

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If a subscription was set to expire with the April + May 2020 issue, for example, now it will not expire until the October + November 2020 issue. Additionally, throughout this crisis we will offer a significant discount the cost of print subscriptions for new subscribers. 

For New Barista Magazine Subscriptions:

All new subscriptions ordered through our online store are 50% off through August 31, 2020. No promo code is necessary. The discount will be reflected in your cart at checkout.

We hope this continued delivery of Barista Magazine at a reduced cost will help our community feel connected even while outside factors keep us from meeting in person.

As always, we will keep access to our digital versions of Barista Magazine, available either through our website or app, free for everyone.

We will do our best to keep our community informed, not only about the effects of COVID-19 but also the wider coffee community, and connected throughout this crisis for as long as it lasts. Barista Magazine Online will continue to produce new content daily, and the print magazine will be published on its normal bimonthly schedule.

We in coffee are always all in this together, just as this crisis proves we are in the wider world.

Take care, and take care of each other.


Kenneth R. Olson

Sarah Allen