Biking To Work Is Great!

The few of you that may follow my personal blog are fully aware that I’m terrible at updating the thing. That isn’t to say that much has not happened to M’lissa and I since my last post. Hopefully you’ve all been following M’lissa’s new(ish) blog where she has been much better at reporting our adventures.

That’s said, there have been some big changes in our coffee lives and since you have, probably deservedly, given up on me I thought I would post it here.

First things first, I am no longer with Counter Culture Coffee. I want to make sure everyone one knows that there is nothing negative in this situation and never was. I love Couture Culture. I consider Peter G. and Brett mentors in the industry and count CCC as my family. It was just time for us to leave Atlanta. Not to worry though, CCC Atlanta is in the very talented coffee hands of David LaMont and will thrive because of it. I can’t wait to see what he’s done with the place come 2009 SCAA/WBC.

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So, what now, you ask? A lot actually. We were asked to join an extremely exciting project with a shockingly talented team. But, since it isn’t our project I feel it’s better to let them make the formal announcement when and if the time comes. Sorry for the tease. In the meantime we were also invited to join another extremely exciting and talented team. RITUAL ROASTERS!

Ritual Roasters Flag We are very honored to join the crew at Ritual. I have joined the roasting department, which is excellent. Talk about a learning curve! So far, roasting for me is sort of akin to being stood in front of a dartboard, then blindfolded and asked to hit the 20 every time. Oh, and did I mention the dartboard is moving like some demented carnival game? It’s a daunting, humbling, and scarily fun challenge. Don’t worry I’m keeping my barista roots and still pull a shift on bar every week. I don’t think I could every give up the bar fully. M’lissa has joined the barista team and even more excitingly the training team. They are putting together some great projects and I can’t wait to see them come to fruition.

We are filled with enthusiasm to be a part of the great coffee things going on in the Bay Area.

Oh, and I really will try to update my blog more often.

1 Comment

  1. thanks for sharing all this news, chris. i know i’m not the only one who likes to keep up with you and m’lissa! can’t wait to se you guys next week. xo sarah

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