BMag Back Atcha – Our Weekly Blog in Review April 29 – May 5

The first of several people piles

It’s been another busy week on the blog. In case you missed anything, we like to give you a wrap up to check out, so here goes.

The week featured USBC Finalists talking about their performances, our weekly contest (Humpday Giveaway) with a prize from, a meeting with US Congressman Earl Blumenauer, and reports from Sarah at Dalla Corte University in Milan, Italy with a ton of Coffee in Good Spirits and Latte Art Champions.

Champions come together in Milan
Barista champions gathered in Milan to practice for the upcoming world championships.

To start here’s a preview of the week’s event in Milan hosted by Dalla Corte from April 29.

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Trevor Corlett won third place in the 2013 USBC with this performance.
Trevor Corlett won third place in the 2013 USBC with this performance.

And here is MadCap’s Trevor Corlett talking about his performance in the 2013 USBC Finals.

Sam Lewontin was Mr. Personality during the USBC finals, a true joy to watch.
Sam Lewontin was Mr. Personality during the USBC finals, a true joy to watch.

USBC Finalist Sam Lewontin reviews his performance in this post.

One of a kind Reg Barber trophies made from English Oak with copper tamper and nameplate
One of a kind Reg Barber trophies made from English Oak with copper tamper and nameplate for the UKBC.

Our friend Glenn Watson gave us a detailed report of the United Kingdom Barista Championship won again this year by Square Mile’s John Gordon.

This week's Humpday Giveway prize was a 3mo subscription to coffee and chocolate from!
This week’s Humpday Giveway prize was a 3mo subscription to coffee and chocolate from!

Then it was time to play our weekly trivia contest for always awesome prizes known as Humpday Giveaway.


And the announcement of our Humpday winner!

When Pete Licata won the USBC in 2011, he went on to place 2nd at the World Barista Championship. How far will he go in 2013?
When Pete Licata won the USBC in 2011, he went on to place 2nd at the World Barista Championship. How far will he go in 2013?

And there was  USBC Champion (again) Pete Licata reviewing his triumphant performance this year in Boston.


Congressman Earl Blumenauer continued his outreach to the Portland coffee community with another forum  at Stumptown’s HQ. This time topics included the Affordable Care Act, Small Business Administration loans, and inspiration from the Oregon wine industry.

For the second year in a row, Charles Babinski took the coveted second place position in the 2013 USBC.
For the second year in a row, Charles Babinski took the coveted second place position in the 2013 USBC.

The always engaging Charles Babinski talked about his 2013 USBC Finals performance

Nck was an absolute joy to watch, and his efforts culminated in the very respectable rank of fifth place. We hope he'll be back next year!
Nck was an absolute joy to watch, and his efforts culminated in the very respectable rank of fifth place. We hope he’ll be back next year!

Santa Barbara-based barista Nick Purvis reviews his 2013 USBC Finals performance here.

Charlie came to the competition with a pretty cool line on his resume besides barista: green buyer!
Charlie came to the competition with a pretty cool line on his resume besides barista: green buyer!

And the final Finalist, Charlie Habegger from Intelligentsia Coffee in Chicago talked about his performance in this post.


In the midst of all this goodness, Sarah traveled to Milan, Italy to cover the DC Campus event. Her numerous posts are listed below:

Chris from Taf in Greece is here to offer his advice to the WLC competitors -- he knows his stuff: after all, Chris was the 2011 World Latte Art Champ!
Chris from Taf in Greece is here to offer his advice to the WLC competitors — he knows his stuff: after all, Chris was the 2011 World Latte Art Champ!

Welcome to DC Campus.

Barista Champions gather in Milan, Italy for the DC Campus event.

Meet the DC Campus Champions.

The National Latte Art Champions have fun pouring for and against each other during the open practice session.
The National Latte Art Champions have fun pouring for and against each other during the open practice session.

More from Day 1 DC Campus.

The liquid category
Some of the ingredients for the challenge. This is the liquid category

The Bizarre Ingredient Challenge and more  from Day 2.

Michael of Cafes Richard gets his boogie on.
Michael of Cafes Richard gets his boogie on.

And then there’s the party as the 3-day event draws to a close.

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.