BMag Back Atcha “ Week of July 14 “20, 2014

Barista Magazine's weekly blog-in-review post

Welcome to BMag Back Atcha – Week of July 14-20, 2014


BMag Back Atcha is Barista Magazine’s weekly blog-in-review post where we put all the links from the past week so you can make sure you didn’t miss anything.

The week started with a post on Jesse Harriott’s new Kickstarter project called Copper Horse Coffee Roasters. He and his partners are looking to start a new roastery in upstate New York. You can read about it here:
Meet Copper Horse Coffee Roasters


Next up it was a preview story of the latest  Thirty-Thirty Coffee Co.  barista jam in Peoria, Illinois. The jam in on August 2, and you can read about what to expect at this fun, annual event right here:
Thirty-Thirty Coffee Hosts 2014 Peoria Barista Jam


That brought us to Wednesday and as it custom, it was time to play Humpday Giveaway, our weekly trivia contest where you can win some awesome prizes. This week’s prize came to us via Portland, Oregon’s  Coava Coffee.
Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway #70! (July 16, 2014 Edition)


And the lucky winner found out who they were with the follow up post:
Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway Winner #70! (July 16, 2014 Edition)


The hits (and events) just kept coming this week, with a preview of another event next month in Newberg, Oregon this time with  the  American Barista & Coffee School  and local roaster  Caravan Coffee  hosting the festivities.
Barista Showdown To Commence August 16


We looked up north (of BMag HQ anyway) for the next story (and event) this time as on Friday it was the  3rd Northwest Cup Tasters League (NWCTL)  held at    Tony’s Coffee  in Seattle.
Northwest Cup Tasters League Party Tonight in Seattle!


Finally on Saturday we had the fourth part of our series on cold brew from writer Jeremy Martin where he looks at some of the more interesting and creative approaches to the concoction.
Completely Cold Brew: Part 4 of a series


And that wrapped up our week here on the BMag blog. Be sure to check back all next week for more coverage of the latest news, events and people in coffee!


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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.