BMag Back Atcha “ Week of July 21 “27, 2014

Welcome to BMag Back Atcha “ Week of July 20-27, 2014

It’s been another exciting week in the specialty-coffee world, and we covered it with original news stories every day right here on our blog. No worries if you missed anything: we’ve got all the quick links to every story below!

The annual Café Imports trip to origin for all the barista champions (U.S. Regional Champs, U.S. Champ, and World Champ) took place this past week, with Barista Mag Publisher Kenneth Olson reporting live from Ecuador where he spent the last 7 days alongside the baristas and the Café Imports educators. Our first post from this trip appeared on Monday and included the itinerary for what would prove to be an epic adventure. Read the story HERE.

On  Tuesday, we previewed the annual Let’s Talk Coffee conference, which is hosted by Sustainable Harvest every fall and brings coffee producers and roasters together in a fun environment for relationship building. Read the story HERE.

On Wednesday, it was time once again for our cool weekly online contest, Humpday Giveaway, wherein we give away an awesome coffee product to a reader. Check out what great prize we had up for grabs HERE! And on Thursday, we revealed this week’s Humpday Giveaway winner! Go HERE to see who the lucky person was!

Also on Thursday, we featured an update from Ecuador, with loads of awesome photos by Ken and descriptions of the days the barista champs were enjoying with Café Imports so far. Read that story HERE!

And also on  Thursday, we posted about a cool company out of Chicago started last year by two industry veterans with a very interesting concept. Go HERE to read it.

On  Friday, we posted a story about the recent Northwest Cup Tasters League event that happened in Seattle. This new competition is getting loads of love in the Northwest, and inspiring coffee people around the world to try it, too. Go HERE to see photos and read the story.

Also on  Friday, we featured yet another report from Ecuador by Ken, who told of new farms the barista champs visited with Café Imports, and even more adventures that they had. See the awesome photos HERE!

On  Saturday, we posted the fifth part of our summer cold-brewed coffee series, Completely Cold Brew. In this segment, author Jeremy Martin explored pairing cold coffee and food. Read it HERE.

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.