Good morning! Thanks for stopping by the BMag blog! It’s Sunday, so it’s time for our weekly blog-in-review post, which we call BMag Back Atcha, your one-stop spot for finding all of our postings for the week.
We started the week on a somber note with the news of our friend, and fellow coffee professional, Christina Furr had died. She was a terrific person and she will be missed. Sarah wrote a moving post about Christina on Monday.
Rest In Peace Christina Furr
Tuesday we had a preview post about this week’s Humpday Giveaway prize an awesome travel/camp coffee Kitt from Stumptown Coffee Roasters and outdoor equipment maker Poler.
Another Insane Humpday Prize Headed Your Way
That was followed by a report on new cafés joining our coffee community here in Portland, Oregon.
Big Growth Spurt In Portland Cafe Scene
Then it was Wednesday, and as always, we played another round of Humpday Giveaway with the aforementioned camp coffee kit from Stumptown going to the winner.
Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway! #26 (August 21, 2013 Edition)
Following that we had a story out of Baltimore, Maryland about a signature drink throwdown and the winner shared her recipe with our readers.
Baltimore Signature Beverage Contest Winner Shares Her Secrets
Then we had a story on a new short film series called “Caffeination” which won a hearty endorsement from Sarah.
Introducing œCaffeination : A Coffee Road Trip You Want to Go On
Sarah was in Olympia, Washington this week for the ongoing TNTNW as the monthly throwdown made a stop at Olympia Coffee Roasting in the Evergreen state’s capital city. She had photos and a report on the fun and high jinx here:
Hot August Nights: TNTNW Hits Olympia Coffee Roasting
To wrap up the week, Sarah looked ahead to the upcoming Specialty Coffee Show on Red Square, which she will be attending during the first week of September along with a host of legendary baristas including WBC Champion Pete Licata. The Russian coffee company, Soyuz Coffee Roasting ”which produces the event each year in Moscow, created some hilarious “Wanted” posters for each of the nine barista champions who will be preparing drinks at the event.
Wanted: Some of the Best Baristas on the Planet
Thanks for stopping by the blog today! Don’t forget to come back this week for more news, events, and coverage of the people in the coffee industry. Oh yeah, and another chance to win something awesome with Humpday Giveaway!