BMag Back Atcha “ Week of February 17 “23, 2014

Happy rest day! We hope it’s restful for you, that is. It’s a crazy busy time in our specialty coffee world, so we hope you’re taking every chance you get to revive as the days of shows, conventions, cafe openings, and barista competitions stretch out in the distance in front of us.

Here’s a great way to get caught up on any coffee news you might have missed this past week, all from the comfort of your own cozy sofa: so sit back, relax, and enjoy the quick links to all the articles we published this week…

On  Monday, we were solo excited to announce that registration for the Northwest Coffee Educators’ Summit was OPEN! This event will be small, so we encourage you to sign up while there’s still space. In case things fill up before you have a chance to register, or if you aren’t able to attend because of time or distance, never fear: we’ll have an article all about the event and the topics covered in an upcoming print issue of Barista Magazine. For all the details, go HERE.

Also on  Monday, we featured the awesome Greg Lefcourt of Ozo Coffee in Boulder, Colo., in our “10 Minutes With” profile series. Find out why Greg is such an accomplished coffee guy ”and a great person in general ”by going HERE.

On  Tuesday, it was our great pleasure to bring you the fifth installment of our super popular series, “The Rialta Coffee Tour,” in which Don Niemeyer shares his family’s adventures driving around the country in their mobile home visiting all the great cafes. Check out what he found in Los Angeles by clicking HERE.

Also on  Tuesday, we presented “10 Minutes With Nolan Hirte,” and thousands of you tuned in to learn more about this awesome guy! Nolan is the owner of the acclaimed Proud Mary in Melbourne, where the coffee quality is uber high, and the food is just as good. Learn about Nolan’s philosophies by going HERE.

On  Wednesday, it was that time of the week again ”Humpday Giveaway trivia contest time! You guys love our weekly contest wherein we ask a question whose answer can be found in the current issue of Barista Magazine, and those of you who get it right are entered into a drawing to win an amazing prize! This week’s prize was pretty spectacular. Find out more about it HERE.

Also on  Wednesday, we presented a terrific feature article about the growing cafe scene in Bogota, Colombia, written by Barista Mag Oublisher Kenneth Olson. Ken was recently in Bogota for some research, and he visited a bunch of great spots in the coffee city. Read all about it HERE.

On  Thursday,  we were way stoked to find out who was the winner of the epic prize from the Cup of Excellence organization, which was the big win for one of our Humpday Giveaway participants! Find out who won, and what he got, by going HERE!

Also on  Thursday, we shared news about the upcoming deadline for coffee entries in the Australian International Coffee Awards competition, which is one of the most respected competitions for specialty coffee roasters worldwide. Read about it HERE.

Also on  Thursday, blog readers just about broke the system, there were so many people who tuned in to read our profile of grinder wizard, Christian Klatt, for our “10 Minutes With” series. See what all the fuss was about by going HERE!

Also on  Thursday, we presented the definitive guide to everything Big Western: that’s right ”all the competitors, schedules, and information attendees (and followers online) would need to take part in ”either in person or via the inter webs ”the Big Western Barista Competition and Brewer’s Cup taking place in Los Angeles this weekend. Go HERE for all the details!

On  Friday, we kicked things off with a feature article about the inspirational Samuel Sveen, owner of Uel Zing, a cold-brew-only business succeeding in a big way in Bloomington, Indiana. See why thousands of others tuned in to read Samuel’s very unique story by going HERE.

Also on  Friday, we kicked into our high velocity coverage of the Big Western event, with photos and commentary from our on-the-ground reporters, Sam Penix, Rita Kaminsky, and Hector Coronado. See all the photos HERE!

And then later on  Friday, we offered up yet another set of photos and fun from Los Angeles, where loads of great coffee people were together to watch and celebrate the Big Western Barista Competition and Brewers Cup. Go HERE for the photos!

On  Saturday, Barista Magazine’s own Ken Olson reported on the activity taking place in L.A. as coffee friends far and wide were reunited. His photos are fantastic — check them out HERE!

We’ve got a busy week ahead with lots more happening in the coffee universe, and as always, Barista Mag has got your back and will be reporting daily all week long right here on our blog. See you soon!




About baristamagazine 2265 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.