Welcome to another Sunday everybody, and with it a quick recap of the action this week on the Barista Magazine blog. Every weekend, we like to put up a BMag Back Atcha post so you can see in one place all of the posts we’ve done over the week. So here we are already at the last weekend of July! Hope you’re enjoying it! And here we go!
We started the week with a story that’s all too familiar here in the West during summertime and that’s wildfire and its devastating effects on communities. Specifically we had a story out of Colorado and what the local coffee folks were doing to help their fellow Coloradans.
Colorado Devastated by Fire ”Coffee Community Steps Up to Help
Then we moved east and had a story of another community (and happier circumstances). Here it’s the first time ever the Nebraskan coffee community came together and had a Thursday Night Throwdown. It’s fantastic stuff! It’s always awesome to see our coffee community grow!
Party On, Nebraska Barista Association!
Wednesday rolled by once more with another round of Humpday Giveaway. The contest this week featured a Hario Coffee Grinder Mini Mill Slim from the rad folks at Prima Coffee Equipment. Another fun break in the middle of the week!
Let’s Play Humpday Giveaway! #22 (July 23 Edition)
Then Sarah had a story about a New York City startup that’s determined to change the way people think about coffee in the office setting. She wrote about traditional, ie. dreary, office swill and her memories of it from her time at the local newspaper, and how the scene is starting to change. From her story:
Enter Joyride. Started by three brothers in New York as the city’s first mobile coffee truck, Noah, Adam, and David Belanich served Stumptown Coffee all around town for a while before deciding to do something about their customers’ number one comment, which was that they wished they could get coffee that good at their offices.
Office Coffee Doesn’t Have to Suck
On Friday we had a report on Seattle’s coffee icon David Schomer and the new edition of his definitive book, Espresso Coffee 2013. Can’t wait to get our hands on a copy!
New from David Schomer
Then on Saturday we had a guest report from Don Niemyer who is taking his family on the road in a 22-foot RV searching America for the greatest cafés and coffee experiences as he moves his family from their home (and coffee businesses) in Portland, Oregon to Ft. Collins, Colorado. A great read with cool photos! An amazing adventure for sure!
The Rialta Coffee Tour: Living Simply, Drinking Coffee
And so we finished another week on the blog! Thanks again for stopping by and be sure to check us out this week for more stories from around the coffee world and of course another chance to win a great prize with our weekly installment of Humpday Giveaway!