Well, we did it. Yep, we made it to another Sunday. Here in Portland, Oregon of course the big news this weekend is the debut of the final installment of the five-year mission of Trek in Park. This year’s episode is The Trouble with Tribbles. Oh, Trek in the Park, we will miss you ¦ but we shall continue to boldly go!
And for today boldly going means going over the week that was in one handy blog post. Yes, it’s another BMag Back Atcha where you can catch up with all the blog posts from the week with one simple click. It’s just another way we’re always looking out for you at Barista Magazine!
The August + September 2013 issue of Barista Magazine was released this week.
Of course besides the blog posts, this week also saw the release of our August + September 2013 issuewhich features our special World Barista Championship section with profiles of this year’s winner Pete Licata and the World Brewers Cup champ, Erin McCarthy, plus a year-in-review interview with 2012 WBC champion Raul Rodas. You can also revisit all the blog posts we did from this year’s WBC in Melbourne, right here. And if you want to make sure you get your own copy of this issue (and every other one) make sure you sign up for a subscription!
Now, without further ado, here’s the weekly review part of this post:
First up, we had the news that Milwaukee, Wisc., roaster/retailer Alterra Coffee is no longer Alterra. Instead, it shall now and forever onward be known as Tim err.. Colectivo Coffee!
Welcome Colectivo Coffee ”Not Alterra Anymore
Following that, Sarah had an interview with local Portland roaster/retailer Coava Coffee Roasters who is doing great and looking to do even more (by adding a new retail location in Southeast Portland among other things).
Catching Up with Coava Coffee Roasters
Then it was Wednesday, and on Wednesday ’round these parts we play a little game we call Humpday Giveaway! This week’s prize was generously donated by Coava and featured two pounds of coffee plus a t-shirt. No wonder a hundred people entered for a shot to win!
Let’s Play Humpday Giveaway! #23 (July 31 Edition)
Then we had a story about Joe, the New York City-based retailer, making the jump to roasting too.
Joe Roasts!
The Northwest institution (can it be an institution after two years? when it’s TNT Northwest, I think that answer is a resounding yes!) celebrating its second anniversary of monthly throwdowns. Barista Magazine is proud to be a sponsor of the TNT and we are always impressed with the amount of volunteer work that goes into to producing and hosting it! Great job everyone, here’s to many, many more years!
TNT Northwest Celebrates 2-Year Anniversary
We had a link to a short video by the amazing folks at Wired magazine dissecting what is actually in your cup of coffee. A great 2-minute video that will help you learn about the various compounds that make up the flavors, mouthfeel, and chemical effects in coffee. Watch it, and soon you’ll sound like Nick Cho or James Hoffmann.
What’s inside your cup of coffee?
Then we had news about a Guatemalan coffee cupping in Portland with TostadurÃa Guatemalteca Lab and Mayaland Coffee on August 8. Find out more with our story here:
All Guat, All Day: Mayaland to Showcase Guatemalan Coffees in Portland ”And You’re Invited!
Finally, on Saturday we had a story about Single Origin Roasters in Sydney, Australia who has just made a big switch to solar power for their roastery! That is fantastic (and the next best thing to dilithium crystals.)
Roasting With Solar Power
And so we wrap up another week on the BMag blog. Thanks for stopping by! And don’t forget to come back this upcoming week for more news, activities and contests!