Hello and welcome to this week’s BMag Back Atcha our one-stop blog post for links to all of the stories we posted over the last seven days. Did you miss anything? Don’t worry! You’ll find everything you’re looking for (at least BMag blog related anyway) right here! So enough with the niceties, let’s get to the posts!
To start the week, we had the details of a great job opening at a cool coffee company, Anodyne Coffee in Milwaukee, Wisconsin!
Wanna Be the Director of Coffee for an Amazing Company in an Awesome City?
Speaking of cool coffee companies, Coava Coffee, here in Portland, Ore., just opened their second retail location, and we had a look at it and a Q&A with director of wholesale, Matt Brown.
First Look: The New Coava Coffee
Then BMag’s editor, Sarah Allen, who in a former life was a movie critic, turned her eye to a new coffee documentary, œA Film About Coffee, which had its debut in Seattle, during the SCAA event. And she was in a word, impressed with what she saw. Her review is here:
Our Review of the Exquisite Documentary, œA Film About Coffee
That brought us to Wednesday, and of course that means another round of our popular trivia contest for fun and prizes, Humpday Giveaway! This week we had a sweet AeroPress prize pack courtesy of the amazing folks at at Prima Coffee Equipment.
Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway! #61 (May 7, 2014 Edition)
That as always was followed by our winner announcement the next day.
Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway Winner! #61 (May 7, 2014 Edition)
This year was the inaugural U.S. Latte Art Championship held in Seattle during SCAA. We had a blog post about the event, with a personal essay by Dean Kallivrousis about his experience during the competition.
The U.S. Latte Art Championship Experience
Like pretty much everyone who knows him, we’re huge fans of Patrick Burns and his Canyon, Texas, outfit Palace Coffee. And we had a story about his efforts to expand the company in a historic building in Amarillo, Texas via an innovative Kickstarter campaign.
Palace Coffee Aims to Expand Via Kickstarter
The end of the month takes us to the Gateway to the West, St. Louis, Missouri for Coffee Fest, and of course one of the highlights of the traveling coffee trade show is the Coffee Fest Latte Art Open, which we at BMag are proud and happy to be a sponsor of. The competitor bracket was just released, and we have it posted here:
Coffee Fest St. Louis Latte Art Bracket is Up!
Finally, to end the week, we have another in our popular series “10 Minutes With…” where we interview interesting people in the coffee industry from around the globe. This time the post is with Matt Vassau, Founder and CEO of Driven Coffee in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
10 Minutes With Matt Vassau
Check back to the blog this week for more of the news, events and contests that make working in coffee so awesome! And we’ll have coverage from Melbourne, Australia and the World Latte Art Championships and the World Coffee in Good Spirits Championships to boot!