BMag Back Atcha “ Week of November 4 “10, 2013

It’s been a heckuva week here at Barista Magazine ”there’s so much going on in the specialty-coffee world, but we’re determined to keep up with it all! We’re also wrapping up the December+January issue of the magazine, and we think you guys are gonna like it! Sarah spent the earlier part of this week in Kansas City for Barista Nation, while Ken is now off in Puerto Rico following 15 crazy Italian baristas around as they learn the ins and outs of a working coffee farm ”and we’ve got all the news about these events and in between to share with you!

With so much happening in just one short week, you may have missed some of the details. So grab a mug of your favorite brew, snuggle in with your laptop, and follow these quick links to all the news we covered right here on Barista Magazine’s blog last week…

On  Monday, the Barista & Farmer Coffee Reality Show kicked off at Hacienda San Pedro in Puerto Rico. This first-of-its-kind event brings 15 Italian baristas to a coffee farm where they can learn how coffee production works up close and personal. Each of the posts we had about the Barista & Farmer event includes videos, so be sure to check them out! Read the post HERE.

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Tuesday found the Italians settling in at Hacienda San Pedro and embarking on the first of a series of challenges, some serious and some just fun, in their effort to earn points towards winning the competition segment of the project. Read the post HERE.

On  Wednesday, you guys joined us online to play our weekly contest, Humpday Giveaway. Our friends at Baratza supplied this week’s amazing prize. To find out more about it, go HERE.

Also on  Wednesday, we shared more videos explaining how the Barista & Farmer Coffee Reality Show project works, and talked to Italian Barista Champion Francesco Sanapo ”who dreamed up the whole thing and made it a reality. Read the post and see the videos HERE.

On  Thursday, we randomly selected a winner of the Humpday Giveaway contest ”and was he ever stoked! Read the post HERE.

Also on  Thursday, we caught up with the Italian baristas in Puerto Rico as they competed in another set of contests. They also spent some serious time with the Hacienda San Pedro agronomists learning about processing. Read the post HERE.

On  Friday, we joined the baristas in Puerto Rico as they gave thanks to their hosts for opening their homes and hearts to them. Read the post HERE.

Also on  Friday, we unveiled the gorgeous new cups that will be used in the Northwest Latte Art League, which held its second event on Saturday, November 9 (look for photos from that event here on the blog next week). Barista Mag is thrilled to sponsor this event with the Northwest Latte Art League. Read the post HERE.

On  Saturday, we watched on video as the baristas in Puerto Rico got serious about learning the struggles of picking, and bulked up on their green coffee grading skills. Read the post HERE.

Also on  Saturday, we were excited to publish David Yake’s account of the Roasters Showcase at La Marzocco that featured Tony’s Coffee last week. Read the post HERE.

Also on  Saturday, we promoted a photo contest going on in Puerto Rico where Facebook users can vote for the photo they like the best from the pool of pictures submitted by the Italian baristas. Read the post HERE.

And also on Saturday,  we published a series of photos from Barista Nation Kansas City, where a great time was had by all at this latest installment of our favorite free educational forum. Read the post HERE.


Be sure to come back every day, all year long, for more updates and news on our industry. Thanks for visiting us here on Barista Magazine’s Blog!

About baristamagazine 2269 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.