Welcome to the Humpday Giveaway winner’s announcement for our contest on August 7. One lucky winner will get a commercial brewer from the great folks at Toddy which ought to keep your café buzzing through the hot August days of summer. Here at BMag World HQ, we brew with a Toddy all summer long so we always have a glass of low-acidity, awesome body, smooth, cold coffee at the ready.

In this week’s edition of Humpday Giveaway we asked a multipart question, directly related to our newest issue’s feature on World Barista Champion Pete Licata. See, Pete is a two-time United States Barista Champion, and so he competed in the WBC once before. That year, in 2011, the competition was held in Bogotá, Colombia, and Pete did great! He made it to the top three (and ended up in second.) This year, he improved on his ranking, but as the finalists’ names were called in Melbourne, Australia, there were eery similarities between Pete’s first run and this year. When the final three baristas were standing on the stage in May, Pete could have been forgiven for feeling an overwhelming sense of deja vu (as could Matthew Perger.)
So this week for Humpday we asked: Who were the other two finalists besides Pete Licata in the top three at the WBC in 2011 and 2013? And the answer: Matthew Perger from Australia in both 2011 and 2013, and Alejandro Mendez (2011 WBC champion) and William Hernandez (2013) who were both from Viva Espresso in El Salvador!
We had numerous correct answers. And everyone who answered correctly had their name put in the mug, and then we drew one out at random. And this week’s winner is: CORTNEY KERN!

Congratulations, Cortney! We hope you enjoy brewing up something wonderful in your new Toddy!
And thanks to everyone who played this week. If you didn’t win, don’t worry! Next Wednesday is only a week away!
How do I claim my prize please?