BMag’s Humpday Giveaway Winner! #34 (Oct. 16, 2013 Edition)

As always, we’re super-thankful to our kick-butt readers and everyone who played this round of Humpday Giveaway! And, again as always, don’t forget if you didn’t win this week, next Wednesday is just around the corner where you can step right up and try again.

You could go white…


So up for grabs this week we had your choice of a white set of steaming pitchers like the one above from    Visions Espresso. These sweet powder-coated pitchers are heavier than normal which, according to latte art experts, can help with a steady flow on your pour. And they come in two sizes, 12-oz and 20-oz. This week’s winner will get one of each size in their choice of colors, either ones that would be perfect for a wedding like this:


You could win a set of these!
Or you could go with red.

Or you could choose red and cater a wedding a like this (just be sure to bring a tourniquet and some gauze):

All that was standing between you and your choice of pitchers was answering the trivia question correctly, and then winning the random drawing. No sweat, right?

This was the question:  According to the article œGroup Love “ The Multiroaster Concept Grows Up,  who is credited for pioneering the multiroaster concept?

And the answer was: Portland, Oregon’s own Billy Wilson of BARISTA.

But you all already knew that. So everyone’s name went into the drawing, and we consulted the oracles at to find our winner.

And without further ado, this week’s winner is: RYAN JARBOE!!! Congratulations, Ryan, we’ll be emailing you shortly to get your deets and find out your choice of colors so we can get your prize out to you!

Thanks again to everyone for playing, and please come back next week to play again. And of course drop by the BMag blog every day to read about coffee news, events and people from around the world!


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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.