BMag’s Humpday Giveaway Winner! #39 (Nov. 20, 2013 Edition)

Welcome back everybody! The wait is over! Yes, it’s Thursday morning (in Portland, Ore., anyway.) Time to find out who won this week’s Humpday Giveaway!

We love doing Humpday, and this week we spread the love a little wider. (That doesn’t sound weird does it?) We have two winners of our new, not-for-sale-anywhere Barista Magazine T-shirts.

Here's Dr. Steve Allen, dad to BMag Editor Sarah Allen. Look how happy he is! That's because these shirts are as soft and comfy as they are cute!
Here’s Dr. Steve Allen, dad to BMag Editor Sarah Allen, sporting his BMag t-shirt! Will you be soon joining him in stylish bliss? Keep reading to find out!

Tons of you dropped by the blog yesterday to play by answering out trivia question in the comments section, and leaving the required info along with the answer (namely names, first and last, and country of residence.) Then we put the names of all the folks who got the answer right into our random-select software, it spits out a name (or in this case two!), and voila! We have a couple of winners!

This week, there were no location restrictions for players, that is to say, we’re gonna send these shirts to our winners no matter if they’re in Toledo or Timbuktu!

First let’s review our trivia question from yesterday.

QUESTION:  How many people are expected to attend the Seoul International Café Show?


100,000 people! Holy smokes, that’s a lot of folks!

Great job to everyone who entered and gave the correct answer (and of course included the required information of first and last names plus country of residence)!

We put everyone who got it right in the pool, and then two winners were selected at random. This week’s winner are: SIMEON BRICKER and LEAH MADSEN!!!
Congratulations, LEAH and SIMEON!  We’ll be contacting you shortly by email so that you can claim your prize.

Thanks again to everyone who entered, and if you didn’t win this week, don’t fret! Next Wednesday, and another round of Humpday Giveaway, is closer than you think!


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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.