We’re so happy that you guys seem to love our new Barista Magazine tshirts so much! Loads of you played Humpday Giveaway yesterday for a chance to win one of the three shirts we’re putting up as this week’s prize. For those of you who don’t win one, take heart! We got a lot of them, and we’ll be giving them away at events and as Humpday Giveaway prizes in the future! For free! Because we love you and appreciate all you coffee professionals do!

So enough jibber jabber, right? You want to find out who the three winners are! This week’s contest was open to anyone, anywhere in the world, mind you. Let’s see who our winners are!
You all submitted your guesses for the answer to this week’s trivia question, which ”as all Humpday Giveaway trivia questions do ”came out of the current issue of Barista Magazine.
Question: At DC Campus in 2013, what other champion did Victor Delpierre work closely with in practicing his Coffee In Good Spirits skills?
ANSWER: Vala Stefánsdóttir, Coffee in Good Spirits Champion of Iceland
Great job to everyone who entered and gave the correct answer (and of course included the required information of first and last names plus country of residence)!
We put everyone who got it right in the pool, used our random generation software to select not one but THREE names at random, and we’ve got some winners!
We’ll be contacting you shortly by email for your tshirt size and mailing address so we can get these comfy Barista Magazine tshirts in the mail to you pronto! So keep an eye on your email!
As for the rest of you, we’ll see you next week for Humpday Giveaway when we’ll give away another fabulous prize. Cheers!