BMag’s Humpday Giveaway Winner! #49 (Feb. 12, 2014 Edition)

Y’all sure are serious about getting your edu-ma-cation ”you really want to win this awesome coffee varietal graphic poster from Café Imports. And heck, I don’t blame ya! It’s amazing! We have it hanging in Barista Magazine’s offices ourselves!

Perhaps part of the allure of this week’s awesome Humpday Giveaway prize is the other thing the winners will get besides the poster: one of Café Imports’ hells-a cool new tshirts! And that’s right ”we did say “winners” ”not one but TWO of you are about to win this killer prize pack of education + style.

Big ups to Café Imports for dnating this week's Humpday Giveaway prize: one of their new tshirts (the ladies version modeled here by Adrienne) and one of the coffee varietal tree posters (hanging behind Adrienne). SICK!
Big ups to Café Imports for donating this week’s Humpday Giveaway prize: one of their new tshirts (the ladies version modeled here by Adrienne) and one of the coffee varietal tree posters (hanging behind Adrienne). SICK!

You all submitted your guesses for the answer to this week’s trivia question, which ”as all Humpday Giveaway trivia questions do ”came out of the  current issue of  Barista Magazine.

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Question: On their trip to Kenya with Café Imports in December, the 2013 barista champs visited Dorman’s café in Karen and met a famous Kenyan barista. What was his name?

ANSWER: John Makau!

Great job to everyone who entered and gave the correct answer (and of course included the required information of  first  and  last names  plus  country of residence)!

We put everyone who got it right in the pool, used our random generation software to select not one but TWO names at random, and we’ve got some winners!


We’ll be contacting you shortly by email for your tshirt size and mailing address so we can get the killer poster and the gorgeous new tshirt in the mail to you pronto! So keep an eye on your email!

As for the rest of you, we’ll see you next week for Humpday Giveaway when we’ll give away another fabulous prize. Cheers!

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.