Brazil: That’s a Wrap

I write this from the comfort of my own desk back in Portland, Ore., in Barista Magazine’s office. I’m still so tired from our amazing, 10-day trip through Brazil ”graciously gifted to all the Regional, U.S. and World Barista Champions by Cafe Imports ”that I’m misspelling ‘Barista’ about every other time I write it. But since I wasn’t able to post nearly as much as I wanted to, I thought I’d put some photos together here to show you all some of the fun times we had as we traveled through Bahia and São Paolo, Brazil, on this amazing, seriously career changing trip.

NOTE: There will be a long, in-depth article about our adventures in Brazil day by day in the soon-to-be released August/September issue of Barista Magazine, so look out for it!

My last blog post was set in Salvador, Brazil. Now we rejoin the trip as we travel 8 hours out of Salvador to the coffee growing regions of Chapada Diamantina…

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En route to Chapada Diamentina, the guys brew coffee at a roadside truck stop.
The results of stripping, at Fazenda Sol do Paraguassu at Mucuge.
Just off the bus at Fazenda Progresso! Reg checks out his very first coffee cherries.
Noah (far left) checks out the drying beds at Valdir Ferreira's farm in Divinolandia.
Ryan and Alejandro at Progresso
Coffee and homemade breads await us at Valdir's farm.
Jake climbs on top of our party bus to get video shots.
Joe works the camera and follows Pete through Valdir's farm.
Valdir shows us his barrel roaster.
What stripping looks like.
Ryan gets up close and personal with coffee that has been stripped, pre sorted.
Our amazing host, Fernando, from Agricafe, talks about the dry mills with (from left), Tim, Philip and Sam.
Joe soaking in the beauty at Antonio Rigno's glorious farms.
Fernando (right) explains the map of the four farms that Antonio Rigno (left) oversees.
At Celso's farm in Divinolandia, down the hill from Valdir's, Celso's son, Danny, rides his bike around the patios, while Valdir's son chases him.
Mouthwatering yellow and red Catuai at Antonio Rigno's farms.
Celso and his wonderful family.
Noah concentrating during the picking contest at Antonio Rigno's farms.
My new favorite food: the delicate cheese breads made with tapioca flour.
The whole group assembled with our hauls after the picking contest at Antonio Rigno's farms.
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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.