Camp Pull-A-Shot Videos 1-3

Here are the first three (of 11) videos from baristas presented in alphabetical order who want your vote to attend the BGA’s Camp Pull-A-Shot. Check ’em out and send your vote to camp [at]

1. Sanford (Sandy) C Bledsoe III from Ann Arbor, Michigan.

[youtube pZII4noYW3I]

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2. Sam Brown from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

[vimeo 15426422]

3. Michelle Foster from  Nashville, Tennessee.

Michelle Foster’s Camp Pull-A-Shot Video

(Please click on above link -not image – to watch video)

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  1. Yup! They’re doing these all on their own… we value our baristas participating in something like this. Although we do have great resources and can support our baristas we value them putting their neck out there just like everyone else. I’m unsure if that comment was meant to be hostile… sheesh!
    Thanks for noticing the great quality of that video though!

  2. Patty IS totally right, don’t hate…sam is just resourceful and has sweet friends with sweet skills

  3. I think Patty’s right.
    There are two Alterra baristas in this competition.
    Their videos couldn’t be more different.
    The boys are probably doing this comp on their own.

  4. i’m pretty sure sam brown made that “slick video” on his own – with his own resources, on his own time. this comment just makes you – onocoffee – sound jealous and petty. REALLY?

  5. really? a company as successful as Alterra in Milwaukee and with enough resources to make a slick video using pricey HD manual focusing cameras cannot “afford” to send their barista to Camp Pull-A-Shot???

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