Camp Pull-A-Shot Videos 4-6

Here are videos four through six from baristas who would like your vote to send them to Camp Pull-A-Shot. Send your vote to camp [at]

4. Brian Boyd Lightfoot from Redlands, California.

Brian Boyd Lightfoot’s Camp Pull-A-Shot Video

(Please click on above link -not image – to watch video)

5. Josh Lindstrom from Muncie, Indiana.

Josh Lindstrom’s Camp-Pull-A-Shot Video

(Please click on above link -not image – to watch video)

6. Joe Morocco from St. Louis,  Missouri.

(Please click on above link -not image – to watch video)

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. I recommend and vote for Brian Lightfoot, as he is passionate about making good coffee and treating his customers well. He is video number 4

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