UPDATED Camp Pull-A-Shot Videos 7-11!

Here are videos six through ten  11! from baristas who would like your vote to send them to Camp Pull-A-Shot. Send your vote to  camp (at) baristamagazine.com

7. Alex Negranza  from Bellevue, Washington


(Please click on above link -not image – to watch video)

8. Cameron Peterson from Springfield, Missouri.

Cameron Peterson’s Camp Pull-A-Shot Video

(Please click on above link to watch video)

9. Anderson Stockdale from New Orleans, Louisiana.

Anderson Stockdale’s Camp Pull-A-Shot Video

(Please click on above link -not image – to watch video)

10. Benjamin Turiano from Webster, New York.

11. Cody Kinart from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

About baristamagazine 2265 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. Woof woof woof WOOF!
    Translation: (Number 8 is exceptionally catchy. I will never get that song out of my head.)

  2. Send local son, Cody Kinart #11! I’m just one of the customers he’s totally fascinated with the wide diversity of coffee – he’s hard working and passionate, an asset of the highest regard!

  3. Everyone should consider voting for Ben Turiano, submission # 10. I was fascinated by the fact that he is also the head roaster for an artisan coffee business. I think he would bring a unique level of diversity to the camp.

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