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The Colin Harmon Interview Uncut

As we put the finishing touches on the February/March 2013 issue of Barista Magazine, I find I’m not ready to say goodbye to December/January 2013 issue cover-boy Colin Harmon just yet. We received quite a […]

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Posts worth Reading

Twitter is a lot of fun, and a great way to share a lot of information. But that is also a downside. As the flow of information keeps rolling uninterrupted, it’s easy for worthwhile reading […]

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Why Marcus?

One of the most exciting aspects of Ken’s and my jobs as owners/editors/writers/lightbulb-changers/garbage-taker-outers/and-everything-in-between at Barista Magazine is discussing candidates for the cover of future issues. It’s also one of the most time consuming, as well […]

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The 2012 WBC Semifinalists!

El Salvador, Daniel Mendez Sweden, Per Nordell Costa Rica, Ricardo Azofeifa Mora Switzerland, Philipp Meier Ireland, Colin Harmon Japan, Miki Suzuki Mexico, Fabrizio Ramirez Guatemala, Raul Rodas The Netherlands, Coen van Sprang Greece, Stafanos Domatiotis […]

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Barista Magazine

The Feb/March 2012 Issue

The new issue of Barista Magazine is out! (The iMag version is online and live. You can read it here.) And the hardcopies will be hitting the mailstream any moment now. So watch your mailboxes! […]

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Barista Magazine

Le Papier.

So we just got our office copies of the new issue of Barista Magazine (August/September issue, featuring the handsome Alejandro Mendez on the cover), and we’re pretty excited. Of course, that’s much in part due […]