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BTR NoCal Roadtrip


The Bay Area is suffering from smoke inhalation. Since Clara and I have spent a large part of this Bikes to Rwanda road trip along the coast of Northern California, we only really started seeing […]

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Biking To Work Is Great!

The few of you that may follow my personal blog are fully aware that I’m terrible at updating the thing. That isn’t to say that much has not happened to M’lissa and I since my […]

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Barista Magazine

Find your champion on flickr!

The 51 national barista champions who took the stage at the 2008 World Barista Championship in Copenhagen, Denmark, had more than a few things to concentrate on in the weeks preceding the event, and indeed […]

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Good Morning, Day 2!

The sun’s back today, and it’s downright gorgeous outside but hey, guess what? It’s muggy as ever inside the convention space. Still, no one seems to mind because excitement levels are so high. Today will […]

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Barista Magazine

Meet-and-Greet and Sign Posters

After a long day of getting acclimated to their new home at Øksnehallen, the venue for Wonderful Coffee and the World Barista Championship, the 52 national barista champions headed down the street for a Meet […]

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Barista Magazine

The Champions Arrive…

After a hearty breakfast with Willy and Andreas from Solberg & Hansen, Ken and I headed to the event space, Øksnehallen, which is where the World Barista Championship, the World Latte Art, World Coffee in […]

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Barista Magazine

24 Hours to Lift-off

It’s finally time for the World Barista Championship! Ken and I are so excited to be heading out of Portland for Copenhagen tomorrow to attend the SCAE’s Wonderful Coffee show where the WBC will be […]

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Home cupping

This morning I headed over to the city (SF, as I live in Oakland) to join my friend and co-worker Drew (USBC Finalist yeah!) to cup with some really good company and friends and coffee […]

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more Milwaukee happenings

Questions/Comments — I’m pretty pumped for this – I know there’ll be a cupping of coffees from Alterra, Anodyne, Intelligentsia, and Metropolis followed by the traditional latte art throwdown. Short and simple, but it’s […]