Barista Magazine news

Good Morning, Seattle
I work for a company called Stumptown Coffee Roasters. Stumptown was originally founded in Portland, but it’s coffee roots can be traced back to Duane’s Seattle roots as a barista and roaster. It […]
Barista Magazine news
I work for a company called Stumptown Coffee Roasters. Stumptown was originally founded in Portland, but it’s coffee roots can be traced back to Duane’s Seattle roots as a barista and roaster. It […]
Ryan Willbur texted me the other day with great excitement: “sarah… it’s willbur.. we may have a cover for you…” Seems Ryan and his pals at Intelli L.A. were playing around with ideas for James […]
Hey everyone. I wanted to mention that I am now a full time roaster for Ritual Coffee Roasters in beautiful San Francisco. I have one bar shift a week so I can “keep it real” […]
Upon my arrival in Seattle I had to get my priorities outside of work straight, at least two of them: 1) Find a proper bike route on Capitol Hill that will not leave you a […]
If you are anything like me, you enjoy your weekend mornings. It is all about working for your weekend mornings. Whether you are sleeping in from staying up late watching Conan O’ Brien […]
You may recall my editor’s letter in the June/July ’07 issue of Barista Magazine in which I said thank you and goodbye to our original editorial advisory board. They were an awesome group, and I […]
Yesterday, August 11, was an awesome day. Loads of great people gathered to witness the marriage of Matt Milletto (of Bellissimo and the American Barista & Coffee School fame) and the beautiful Kylene Elms, whom […]
When I went to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, to interview and photograph Jon Lewis for the August/September issue of Barista Magazine, I took hundreds and hundreds of photos. Jessica, Barista Magazine’s amazing art director, was able […]
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