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My latest Guardian article

I sometimes freelance for The Guardian about coffee related issues, and my latest rant, this time on laptop use and free Wi-Fi in cafes, is up HERE. Interestingly, in writing this, I contacted James and […]

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Six grand and go

Here’s a story from CNN today about a woman in Boston, Lucy Valena, who just opened her own coffee company, Voltage Coffee, a mobile espresso catering gig, with $2,000 of her own money and a […]

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Wait… What's Your Name Again?

Have you ever spent years working your way up in the mob after having been sent undercover as a rat into the police academy? Or vice versa? I know these things happen to Matt Damon […]

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Talking About Coffee

Over on James Hoffmann’s blog, ( where he is under a self-imposed video blogging marathon, he recently had a post up about the different ways people talk about their experiences with food versus with coffee. […]

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Ice It For The Ladies

It’s officially summer, even here in oft-drizzly Portland, Ore., and that means one of my favorite coffee beverages is in heavy rotation again: iced coffee. I just had a slammin’ cup at a new Portland […]