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Milwaukee Happenings

This post thrills sL for many reasons. It starts with my gateway into Barista Magazine. About 2 years ago, I was given news that my company, Alterra Coffee Roasters, had purchased a new cafe/warehouse space […]

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Stupid weather…

I was all stoked to take my Swedish pals Matts and Magnus and David on a tour of Portland’s coffee hotspots today, but the darn weather has dashed our hopes. After the three guys spent […]

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Thanks, Per!

This is my friend, Per, who is the roaster for da Matteo, our Swedish friends’ cafe in Gothenberg: After I complained in my last email about not being able to read the da Matteo blog […]

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Barista Magazine

Down time? Hardly.

We always like to think we’ll get to slow down and breathe in December, given Coffee Fest Seattle is behind us and we don’t have another coffee event to travel to until January. But for […]

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Barista Magazine

How We Roll

It’s amazing how many people think Ken and I must be these great baristas ourselves because we have a magazine about great baristas. I don’t see the logic. I mean, back when I was a […]

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Surburban Farming

Hot on the heals of Sarah’s tomato farming, I discovered another urban farmer here in sunny old Sydney. Rob Forsyth, owner of Forsyth Coffee, WBC judge and roasting vetran of more than 30 years is […]

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Sydney Espresso

Well, hi there. This is my first ever authorship in terms of blogging, so thanks so much to Sarah and Ken for allowing me to use their space to do so. I’ve got a few […]