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Barista Gear


Ah, the iPhone… not since the Starbucks to-go cups were introduced to tweens has a better buy-on-demand-status-symbol been introduced. They make you look cool when you’re chillin with your homies at WalMart! And hey, they […]

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Clover Gets Wired

So a couple of days ago my father-in-law asked if we had seen the new issue of Wired yet. It’s one of my favorite magazines, and since my father-in-law loves geeky tech stuff as much […]

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Domo Arigato Mr. Pikalo

Some people have a lot of time on their hands. Take for example Oleskiy Pikalo who apparently wanted to make his own latte art, but not, you know, actually have to make it. So he […]

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The online magazine, Slate, has a great story up about everyone’s favorite VacuumPress coffee brewer: the Clover! You can read it here. The author begins by requesting a machine for home use, but then comes […]

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Barista Gear

Sandy Hon is the Winner!

Congratulations to Sandy Hon of Java Jazz in Overland Park, Kansas, for her winning answer to our first Reply All feature. We asked readers to submit their opinions about what city was the best one […]