Test Drive

Test Drive: The Puqpress

We tried out the Puqpress, billed as the world’s first automatic tamper BY KIARA TEASLEYSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE Photos by Kiara Teasley Tamping is an essential step for crafting espresso, but precise tamping can be […]

Coffee Gear and Equipment

Test Drive: The Graycano 

A new dripper invites you to enter the coffee cycle . BY VASILEIA FANARIOTISPECIAL ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Photos courtesy of Vasileia Fanarioti The Graycano is a new metal dripper that has been in the works for the […]

Coffee Gear and Equipment

5 Ways to Brew with Your AeroPress

The versatile and compact brewing device allows users to employ many innovative brewing methods. BY TANYA NANETTISENIOR ONLINE CONTRIBUTOR Photos by Tanya Nanetti The AeroPress is something quite unique among all other brewers.  Designed not […]

Coffee Gear and Equipment

Test Drive: DiFluid Pocket Refractometer

We look into an affordable entry in the coffee refractometer market.  BY TANYA NANETTISENIOR ONLINE CONTRIBUTOR Photos by Tanya Nanetti The DiFluid Pocket Refractometer makes measuring a coffee’s TDS easy and affordable. The last time […]

Coffee Gear and Equipment

Test Drive: The Cupping Brewer

The Cupping Brewer is a vessel designed for minimal-waste, filter-free coffee sampling. BY KATRINA YENTCHBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Katrina Yentch I’ve always found it kind of heartbreaking to watch cupping bowls of delicious […]

Coffee Gear and Equipment

Test Drive: Cometeer Coffee

Cometeer Coffee introduces a new contender in the specialty instant coffee game. BY KATRINA YENTCHBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Cover photo courtesy of Cometeer Coffee Over the past five years or so, a small number of specialty […]