The title image reads, Ask a Technician. We get the answers.
Coffee Gear and Equipment

Ask a Technician: Bellwether Coffee

We learn about the nuances of keeping these energy-efficient coffee roasters in the best shape possible. BY SPENCER AUBREYSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Bellwether Coffee Bellwether Coffee makes a commercial roaster built […]

A product shot of white airscape cannisters. A handful of beans sits at the front.
Coffee Gear and Equipment

Reducing Single-Use Waste with Coffee Storage

Planetary Design partners with coffee roasters to promote reusable whole bean containers. BY EMILY JOY MENESESSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Planetary Design In an industry riddled with single-use products, it can be […]

A closeup of a black Modbar countertop espresso machine.
Coffee Gear and Equipment

Ask a Technician: Modbar by La Marzocco USA

We continue our series on coffee equipment with some answers to common questions about the iconic countertop espresso machine: Modbar. BY SAMANTHA TAMPLINSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of La Marzocco Modbar espresso machines […]

The title image reads, Ask a Technician. We get the answers.
Coffee Gear and Equipment

Ask a Technician: Baratza

We ask Pierce Jens of Baratza what are some ways to make these home and café-grade grinders last forever. BY KATRINA YENTCHBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE We’re asking coffee equipment manufacturers of all sizes and styles what […]

The VSSL hand grinder sits split apart on a picnic table outdoors. To the right is the already ground coffee in the chamber. In the middle is the grinding portion of the grinder and to the left is the handle.
Coffee Gear and Equipment

Test Drive: The VSSL Java Hand Grinder

One Canadian outdoors company makes a coffee hand grinder that will stand up to almost anything. BY JOSH TAVESSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Josh Taves The coffee industry continues to expand its […]


Spraying Your Coffee Beans

In a recent YouTube video, James Hoffmann addresses the re-popularized method of spraying coffee with water. BY KATRINA YENTCHBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Cover photo by Tyler Nix for Unsplash As we continue to experiment, innovate, and […]

Coffee Gear and Equipment

Test Drive: The ESPRO Bloom

The ESPRO bloom provides a novel addition to the ever-growing pourover market. BY JOSH TAVESSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Josh Taves If you’ve been keeping up with the “single-cup pourover scene” lately, […]