A night time scene of the top of a volcano erupting. A single stream of lava drips out the top.

Growing Coffee in Volcanic Regions

We explore how volcanoes benefit coffee cultivation, and what life is like for farmers living in these regions. BY EMILY MENESESSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Cover photo sourced from Unsplash The coffee industry has long […]


Coffee Cocktails with Kostas Kaperonis

We chat with the Greek coffee professional about his new book, his love for coffee, and his favorite coffee cocktail recipes. BY KATRINA YENTCHBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Kostas Kaperonis; cover photo by @shotsoflouis […]

A producer in Timor Leste picks coffee cherries from the plant.

Coffee from Timor-Leste

Here’s what you need to know about this Southeast Asian nation and its coffee-growing history. BY KATRINA YENTCHBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos provided by Sucafina Specialty Amongst the Southeast Asian countries that grow coffee, Indonesia, Vietnam, […]


Spraying Your Coffee Beans

In a recent YouTube video, James Hoffmann addresses the re-popularized method of spraying coffee with water. BY KATRINA YENTCHBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Cover photo by Tyler Nix for Unsplash As we continue to experiment, innovate, and […]