USBC 2013

Meet Northeast Regional Barista Champ Sam Lewontin!

As the proud Media Sponsor of the United States Barista Championship since 2005, Barista Magazine has always compiled and produced a beautiful printed program that serves as a guide, collectors item, introduction to the Regional […]

AeroPress Championship

More U.S. AeroPress Championship Details Announced!

I’m shocked! There’s still one spot remaining for a competitor hailing from the Southeast in the U.S. AeroPress Championship! Guys, really? You Southeasterners need to nab this! The AeroPress Championship is one of the best […]

World Barista Championship

Confirmed! WBC Heading to Italy, USA, and Ireland!

Just got the official confirmation from Laura Lee of World Coffee Events: the world’s biggest, most competitive, and most esteemed contest for baristas, the World Barista Championship (WBC), has finalized locations through 2016. In 2014, […]