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WBC Vienna 2012

WBC Finalist #3: Raul Rodas, Guatemala

Everyone and their grandmother likes Raul Rodas; he’s just one of those guys. Actually, he’s unique in how beloved he is in this coffee industry. But there’s no big secret reason for it ”he’s kind […]

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WBC Vienna 2012

WBC Finalist #2: Miki Suzuki, Japan

It’s almost impossible to fully concentrate on what Miki Suzuki is saying when she performs because she’s just so adorable and lovely in her interactions with the judges, and truly her profound passion for the […]

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WBC Vienna 2012

2012 World Barista Championship Finalists!

(in no particular order) BARISTA CHAMPION OF THE UK: Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood BARISTA CHAMPION OF MEXICO: Fabrizio Sencíon Ramírez BARISTA CHAMPION OF JAPAN: Miki Suzuki BARISTA CHAMPION OF GREECE: Stefanos Domatiotis BARISTA CHAMPION OF IRELAND: Colin […]

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WBC Vienna 2012

WBC Semifinalist #11: Miki Suzuki, Japan

Miki Suzuki just dropped a big ol’ cute bomb up in here. Seriously, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a barista who is so adorable, so cute, and also so technically brilliant, and passionate […]