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NBC Iceland 2009

Away we go!

Ken and I are hustling around the house getting the last bits and pieces together for our trip to Iceland today! We fly from Portland to Seattle, then Seattle direct to Reykjavik on Icelandair ”hooray! […]

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Our Friends Rock

Checking my email first thing in the morning is one of my favorite parts of the day, because I’m bound to find messages about jams coming up, folks coming to visit and exciting things going […]

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Celebrity Sightings in Germany

Forget Cannes ”the big celebrities are in Cologne, Germany, this week for the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe’s Wonderful World of Coffee event, which beings tomorrow and goes through Sunday. If you consider James Hoffmann […]

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NBC Iceland 2009

This could be you! In Iceland!

Oh, those darned Icelanders! Always reminding us how freakin awesome their little country is! Yes, I know you have the coolest horses and the prettiest landscape and the nicest people. Blah blah blah. Thank goodness […]