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Food and Drink

Food Carts: Wave of the Future?

Way back in 1989, Lloyd Dobler claimed that kickboxing was the sport of the future. Twenty years later, eh… not so much. (But I suppose he might have been onto something foreshadowing the rise of […]

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Food and Drink

Happy Thanksgiving From Barista Magazine

We’re still coming out of our Thanksgiving feast food coma today, Friday, which is why we’re late in saying happy Thanksgiving! I am especially thankful for Kyle because he used his mad cooking skillz to […]

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Wish You Were Here…

Slow Food Nation kicked off today in San Francisco! But actually, I’m not “here” to wish you were here. I’m mellowing back in Portland and excitedly receiving photos from my friends who are there. To […]

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Barista Magazine

Slow Food Fo Sho

I’ve been madly IMing with Brent about the trip we’re going on next week — to the Mexican Barista Championship, can’t wait! (stay tuned for news about this in the next few days) — but […]

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Barista Magazine

Back from Cali

What a freakin blast the last six days were. I spent them in Berkeley, Calif., my hometown and where my parents, Steve and Leanne, still live. I was there for two reasons: to attend and […]

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Merry Phuong-mas!

Predictably, I will be posting photos of our cats in various humiliating holiday costumes such as Santa hats and tiny antlers. And predictably, I will be telling you all about the Christmas Day Blazers game […]