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I said, “Finish it!”

This story has been making the rounds. You can read it  here,  here or here. Here’s the gist of it: a restaurant called Hachikyo, in Sapporo, Japan has started fining customers who don’t finish their […]

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Central America

Rust Wreaks Havoc

The science journal, Nature, takes a look at the explosion of coffee rust, or roya, in Central America. The longterm damage will be devastating. From the story: The latest outbreak may halve the 2013 “14 […]

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Memories of Moscow

I can’t believe it’s almost time for me to head back to Portland, Ore. — my flight leaves on Thursday morning, and by air travel magic, I return to Portland a few hours later on […]

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Coffee Mania Moscow!

Day two (for me anyway ”I’m here in Moscow for the last half of team one’s adventure, and the beginning half of team two’s), anyway, so day two began with sunshine! These Latin baristas ”Raul, […]

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Stumptown Makes History (Again)

The great folks at Stumptown have supported our efforts with Barista Magazine since day one ”I remember way back in 2004 when I first told Stumptown owner Duane Sorenson about wanting to start a magazine […]

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Barista Champs To Take Over Red Square!

      For the second year in a row, Soyuz Coffee Roasting (SCR) will host National Barista Champions during the annual Spasskaya Tower international military music festival in a feature area called the Specialty […]