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Hola from El Salvador!

Question, what’s even better than visiting a beautiful coffee farm? The people you meet? Well it’s true. They were pretty great. We hiked through the coffee plants, down a steep grade to a beautiful waterfall. […]

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Last Official Day of LTC

Today is the last day of the Let’s Talk Coffee event in Colombia — it’s been a heck of a time. Tomorrow ”Monday ”Chris Baca and I will go visit a farm called La Rochella […]

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That means “Let’s Talk Coffee Barista Championship” ”holla! We just wrapped up the 1st annual LTCBC, with 6 sets of barista teams preparing 4 espressos and 4 cappuccinos with latte art for each of 4 […]

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Bogota to Armenia

Greetings from beautiful Colombia! After a long travel day yesterday, Tuesday, we arrived in Bogota around 9 p.m. local time. We were beat. We gobbled some hamburgers next door to the hotel and hit the […]

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Barista Magazine

Off to Colombia!

Early tomorrow morning, I’m flying to Colombia. I’m going with a crew from Sustainable Harvest, to their annual event, Let’s Talk Coffee. I’m literally going with them — I think about five of us are […]

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Day 1 of Mexican Barista Championship

It was an exciting start, with a packed audience all the way from competitor number 1 through the end of the day! Here are some images from yesterday’s preliminary round: First things first: judges need […]

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Busy days in Mexico City…

I’ve been bad about blogging since arriving here in Mexico City for the national barista championship, but it’s only because our wonderful hosts, Arturo and Jose, have been keeping us busy with fun and interesting […]

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Barista Magazine

On My Way to Mexico

I was so happy and honored to be invited to the Mexican Barista Championship in Mexico City! Today I’m packing my bags and getting geared up for the trip. I leave early tomorrow morning and […]