Climate Change and Coffee (UPDATE)
Excellent story from the Seattle Times yesterday about climate change and how it is affecting farmers in Costa Rica. You can read it here. “We want to prove to the coffee-consuming world that we’re doing […]
Excellent story from the Seattle Times yesterday about climate change and how it is affecting farmers in Costa Rica. You can read it here. “We want to prove to the coffee-consuming world that we’re doing […]
I was talking to Stephen Morrissey of Intelligentsia at Coffee Fest Chicago this last week and he was brimming with excitement over the latest project he (and many others) are working on. It’s called Coffee […]
The New York Times has a photo essay up today featuring a number of baristas in the city and the chapeaus they don. Why so many baristas in hats? Well because the city health department […]
There’s a new nonprofit darling on the coffee industry scene, and we think they’re pretty great. Actually, they’re not that new: the Green Cafe Network has been around for a while, but they’re really gaining […]
So I read this story from Salon a couple of days ago, and I just can’t resist posting a link to it here. Apparently we Americans are huge disappointments as baristas. Who knew? Of course […]
Tony Siera, who judged the first round of the Puerto Rican Barista Championship, had the finals off, so he spent the day photographing the event at Coffee Cast. You can check out his photo set […]
We often write about barista competitions, championships and barista champions, but it should never go without noting that a barista competition cannot happen without the tireless work of many volunteers. Among those volunteers are of […]
Well that was another amazing WBC. But while that was going on, coffee news continued to break. The latest comes from the world of health care, and it turns out that coffee consumption can be […]
Here’s an interesting story from the world of wine that relates rather directly, I think, to coffee. Researchers at Cal-Tech recently did a study where subjects were asked to taste different wines and rate them. […]
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